We looking a bit out of place there? And small.
Next week we get to move down the quay a bit so that we'll fit in a bit more with the neighbours. Which is great because the neighbours will be the likes of beautiful classics such as Mariette, Cambria and Altair amongst others. The only downside I know from many past experinces is that there'll be alot more socialising in the copious-amounts-of-rose type. Well shucks...
(I have a trolley. Im aware that back home this is not cool. Especially at the tender age of 33. However, when shopping for lots of hungry people with no transport, let me tell you that in physical-effort terms, they're cool Ok)
I wish I could do that at the Cannes market, banter the price down. Do you know how much these tomatoes cost? Cannes market is great fun to go to but unless you have plenty of time and a huge budget, its for taking pretty pictures and maybe learning the odd bit of French.
The Most Expensive Tomatoes In The World |
I had 2 rolls of ready made shortcrust pastry which you can get ready rolled in France. So the pie took literally 20 minutes to make and 10 people had plenty what with the other bits and bobs they had to eat.
You will need;
2 rounds of ready made shortcrust
2 onions sliced
Goats cheese
2 tbsp of any chutney you may have
2 tsp of dried thyme
an egg or milk for glazing
Sprinkling of sesamee seeds.
- Fry the onions in a little oil and season with salt and a little sugar.
- Fry till they are just starting to go a nice golden colour.
- Lay the first round of pastry out on a non-stick baking sheet and smear the chutney over the base leaving an edge of about an inch un-chutneyed.
- Pour over your onions and then scatter the goats cheese over that in an even layer.
- sprinkle with the dried thyme. Then with a pastry brush wet the outside edge of the pastry with water so that the top layer of pastry will stick to it.
- plonk over your top layer of pastry and roughly scrunch together the 2 edges so that you know the pie is well sealed. Brush with beaten egg or milk and scatter with the sesamee seeds.
- Wih a sharp knife, poke 2 holes into the pastry lid so that steam can escape.
- Bake in a pre heated oven at gas mark 5/190 degrees for 35-40 minutes
- Hey presto, pie for 8-10 people and a nice picnic lunch.
Did I mention how much those tomatoes cost?
Its friday tomorrow and we have the weekend off. I might have to start drinking some rose then. Have a good one. I'll let you know how mine goes. Thanks for reading.